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Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss - Zucchini Sliders

Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss - Zucchini Sliders

Posted by YuhTay on

(Translated by Google)
Want to reduce your carbohydrate intake?
Let’s make a soy sauce Western food that combines East and West! Green Zucchini Cheeseburger Zucchini Sliders! Even if it’s a party banquet, it’s absolutely OK!!! Make sure you relax Beautiful serving! Green zucchini (also known as zucchini, jade melon, zucchini) is one of the most popular vegetables for weight-loss people, because it not only tastes refreshing, rich in vitamins , but also high in fiber and starch-free, but at the same time It gives enough satiety, so it is a very good choice for those who need low carbohydrate weight loss.



 \ Material/

1 green zucchini
Color pepper (red/yellow), half an onion, half a carrot, half a pork mince 100g
2 slices of cheese

\ Seasoning for meatloaf/
Yutai super white soy sauce Appropriate amount of Yutai white soy sauce paste Appropriate amount of tomato sauce Appropriate amount of salt A little black pepper A little egg 1 olive oil A little

➜ Slice green zucchini, dice bell pepper and onion and set aside.


➜ Fried green zucchini slices


➜ After mixing well, hold the meat into a pie shape

➜ Fry the patties until golden brown

Finally, cut the cheese slices into small cubes and layer the patties on the green zucchini. Today's green zucchini cheeseburger is done.




Text / Bell


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